Hand Of God – 4 Rounds – Cascade Chanting, reduced breathing, 4:4, 2:2
High Intensity
This is an energized meditation of 4 rounds
1st Round: Cascade chanting + Breath Hold
2nd Round: Reduced Breathing Exercise + Breath Hold
3d Round: 4:4 Rhythmic Breathing + Breath Hold
4th Round: 4:4 and 2:2 Rhythmic Breathing + Breath Hold.
0:00 - I Love My Life Dance track (You can get people yelling I love my life, do the movement sequence and xa bit of a party)
5:00 - Transition into the first round with Cascade Chanting + Breath retention (this whole section is about 7 mins long)
12:00 - THE VOLUME LOWERS A BIT FOR A FEW SECONDS > This is your signal that the 2nd round is about to start. At this moment you can instruct participants to follow the guided Breathwork for the reduced breathing exercise.