
Introduction To Sigil Magick

Sigil magick has been used ritualistically for many thousands of years to produce real, tangible results that go beyond what’s just possible by chance. It is based on the philosophy that we are co-creators of our reality. As such, we are empowered to make the changes we desire so long as they align with our ultimate destiny and the will of Life.

A sigil is an intention-charged symbol you create to change your reality in accordance with your True Will. The word “sigil” comes from the Latin word sigillum, which means seal.

Those who practice sigil magick incorporate self-reflection, creativity, willpower, and ritual to manifest their desires.

All sigils are encoded with a specific purpose, for example, to attract a romantic partner, to set strong boundaries, to be more financially prosperous, to heal your inner child – the possibilities are limitless!

Is Sigil Magick sinister?

Nope! There are no dark forces involved with sigil magick!

It is most likely that sigils have become associated with dark magic because people fear the power. Just like the word “conspiracy” now has negative connotations when really all it means is “breathing together”. People have been conditioned to fear power – even the power of control over their reality.

All sigil magick does is sink powerful ideas and suggestions into your unconscious mind. It reprograms your thought patterns so that you are more guided towards where you want to go by your own unconscious mind. There is no calling on angels, demons, spirits, or guides (unless you prefer to use that metaphor): it’s really to do with the language of communicating directly to your subconscious mind.

The next few sections will show you how to use powerful sigil magick to manifest your desires. As well as some things to remember while you create your sigil ceremony and troubleshooting points in case you come across a stumbling block.

You will need:

  • Some paper
  • A pen or pencil

Note: if you prefer to work in another medium you can absolutely experiment with other methods! Digital art, paints, creative collage, ink pens, even whiteboards, and more can all make excellent sigil mediums – but a simple pencil and paper is the easiest way to start!