
Midbrain Activation Ritual

The midbrain is the seat of your superconscious mind. Awakening its potential can lead to heightened cognitive functioning and super sensory powers.

The Midbrain Activation Ritual can awaken your powers of intuition so that you can make better life decisions, read people’s energy and sense whether they are the right person to bring into your life, and to be able to visualise and magnetically attract what is most right for you in life.

Brain Buzz Ritual

This breathwork is known as Brahmari in pranayama which translates as buzzing bee. By using the sacred chant of AUM, and focusing on the Mmmmm part of the chant, you can create a buzzing sensation that resonates around your head.

Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth so that it points up to your midbrain. Play around with the pitch of your chant and use the resonance that feels the most in harmony with your midbrain. When you discover the right pitch for you, you will feel a glowing sensation and deep meditative state.

Midbrain Activation Ritual

Below is the video of the guided Midbrain Activation Ritual featuring the Brain Buzz Technique.

First, watch the video from start to finish with full attention so that you know what to expect when it comes to the meditation itself. Then, you can follow along and experience it fully.

You can do this meditation as often as you like, at any time that suits you.