
Welcome To The Advanced SOMA Instructor Training

Welcome to the Advanced SOMA Instructor course! We are so excited to have you join us on this journey!

Throughout my life I have read countless books on the occult, magick, law of attraction, and Tantra that share and discuss techniques for manifesting and bending reality. I have also studied under various masters, including Wim Hof, Dr. Prakash Malshe, and Swami Ambikananda.

Across all of these modalities and topics, I have noticed a series of interconnected factors. All of the practises have a number of common threads, these are:

  1. Purification of the body through fasting, good nutrition, sauna, Yoga, and exercise routines.
  2. Raising your own vibrational energy using a combination of sexual energy transmutation, breathwork, music, herbs, and drugs that create euphoria and altered states of consciousness.
  3. Talisman, Mandala, or symbols to focus your attention.
  4. Defining and setting a clear intention for the reality you wish to create, combined with multi-sensory visualisation techniques.
  5. A firm conviction and belief in the power and reliability of the process.

Your thoughts become things and who you are on the inside governs who you are on the outside in terms of how you navigate through life. Therefore, ritualistic purifying of your mind and body combined with creating a clear picture of what you most desire are essential to ensure you the best chances of success in life. 

When you set intentions and visualise goals in the highest energetic vibrational states, your intention is programmed deep into your subconscious mind. It’s like a powerful form of self-hypnosis, which means it is suddenly very clear which decisions are the best ones to take in order to reach your desired place in life.

When you raise feel good hormones like serotonin and dopamine you also produce more energy to reach your goals. 

I have refined my own magic ritual using specially created music I have produced for raising your vibrational energy naturally and a special breathing process used by master Yogis to create Siddhi powers by producing a flow of electricity through your body.  Siddhi powers are dormant powers that lie inside each of us, which come to life when the Kundalini is awakened.

Kundalini energy is a dormant sexual energetic force that lies in the base of our spine. When you learn to transmute this energy you can direct it to wherever you need it. 

By directing it to a part of your body that may have a disease or damage, it can be used to self heal. By directing it to your midbrain, the seat of your subconscious mind, you can use it to bend reality and shape the future of your dreams.

In this course you will learn about ritualistic purification and meditation inside a sauna, which is followed by an ice cold plunge pool. The use of herbs, vitamins, and specific dietary routines further enhance the process. When you do this consistently and make it a part of your life, you become a more attractive person from the inside out and people become drawn to you and your mission.

Here are some things to remember throughout the course:

Success Is At A Cellular Level

Did you know that, with the exception of a few brain and heart cells, every single cell of your body is replaced every seven to 10 years? 

Whatever your age, your body is many years younger. In fact, even if you’re middle aged, most of you may be just 10 years old or less.
This heartening truth, which arises from the fact that most of the body’s tissues are under constant renewal, has been underlined by a novel method of estimating the age of human cells. Its inventor, Jonas Frisen, believes the average age of all the cells in an adult’s body may turn out to be as young as seven to 10 years.

The New York Times, 2005

Isn’t that amazing?

Your skin cells are replaced every two weeks; your liver is replaced every 300-500 days; your bones are replaced every 10 years; and the surface of your gut has a life expectancy of only five days!

Your body is perpetually renewing itself. But, the quality of what it regenerates is directly tied to the quality of fuel you give it. And I’m not just talking food… your thoughts are fuel, too.

There is research that directly shows that you have the power to influence your health with your thought patterns. So, if you want to grow strong, vital, and happy cells that support you in your quest for optimal health, you need to fuel your mind with constructive, optimistic, self-empowering thoughts!

Easier said than done, right? Let’s look at this more closely.

Understanding The Mind and The Source of Thought

If I asked you where your mind is located, what would you say?

Almost everyone points to his or her head. I used to think this too, but it turns out this is completely wrong. Your mind is the collective consciousness of every single cell in your body.

Don’t believe me? Well, let me prove it to you.

The functional units of life are cells, and when they become organized into communities, they become You!

Every cell in your body is innately intelligent and can survive on its own outside of your body. But, inside your body, your cells shed their individuality to form a collective community of about 50 trillion cells.

There are 10 times more bacterial cells in your body than human cells. In fact, there are over 500 species of bacteria living in your gut alone!

A large majority of these beneficial bacteria help us function in a healthy way. In fact, the Human Genome project, which aims to map out every human gene, revealed that around 40 genes in the human body are of bacterial origin!

So, in reality you are a vast community of cells of both bacterial and human in origin, each with its own mind, but together forming a collective consciousness of one central mind.

Dr. Bruce Lipton writes extensively about this in his bestselling book, The Biology of Perception. He is one of the pioneering research scientists in a new field of biology known as epigenetic biology.

By definition, a community is an organization of individuals committed to supporting a shared vision. Consequently, while every cell is a free-living entity, the body’s community accommodates the wishes and intents of its “central voice,” a character we perceive as both the mind and spirit.

When the mind perceives that the environment is safe and supportive, the cells are preoccupied with the growth and maintenance of the body. In stressful situations, cells forego their normal growth functions and adopt a defensive “protection” posture. The body’s energy resources normally used to sustain growth are diverted to systems that provide protection during periods of stress. Simply, growth processes are restricted or suspended in a stressed system. While our systems can accommodate periods of acute (brief) stress, prolonged or chronic stress is debilitating for its energy demands interfere with the required maintenance of the body and, as a consequence, leads to dysfunction and disease.

The principle source of stress is the system’s “central voice,” the mind. The mind is like the driver of a vehicle. With good driving skills, a vehicle can be maintained and provide good performance throughout its life. Bad driving skills generate most of the wrecks that litter the roadside or are stacked in junkyards. If we employ good “driving skills” in managing our behaviours and dealing with our emotions, then we should anticipate a long, happy and productive life. In contrast, inappropriate behaviours and dysfunctional emotional management, like a bad driver, stress the cellular “vehicle,” interfering with its performance and provoking a breakdown.

Dr. Bruce Lipton

As Above, So Below

According to the ancient Vedic scriptures, “as above, so below”. Somehow, the ancients knew that the rules responsible for what happens on the deepest quantum level are exactly the same as the rules of physics, chemistry, and biology. These rules control everything, from the individual at a cellular level to the most complex organisms.

A cell has its own versions of the very same biological components that make up a whole person. Each cell has a digestive system, excretory system, a respiratory system, a structural system, an immune system, reproductive system, and cardiovascular system.

A cell also interacts with other cells in its community via special signals, in much the same way we communicate with fellow members of our community through language, art, and music.

Just as we feel stifled and unable to perform optimally when we are forced into an environment that feels threatening or alien, cells react in a similar manner when subjected to unfavourable conditions. 

Cells can only thrive in the right environment, a healthy environment.

In my case, the working environment I was in was so negative, alien, and stress-inducing that my immune system started to attack itself and I experienced a life-threatening disease at a relatively early age.

As soon as I left that environment and decided to move closer to my passions, to do more of what I really love, I got better. I didn’t just see better health, I also had better success, more happiness, and I became wealthier than ever before in my life.

Knowing what I know now, I believe if I were to go back to my old job, I would probably be able to handle the environment a lot better and even thrive! I was stressed back then because of how my mind perceived the environment.

Your beliefs and perception of life events can be changed by outside influences; these influences can make dramatic changes in your life.

Many self-healing miracles, great feats of endurance, and world records get broken all the time because individuals have changed their perception about a situation. For example, mankind never believed the 4-minute mile could be achieved, and many tried and failed to meet this goal. Once Roger Bannister did it in 1954, it was achieved repeatedly, over and over, by many other people in a short period of time. That’s the power of belief.

Many people live in fear when they’re faced with chronic disease, holding the belief that this day could be their last, just because a doctor has told them they will never get better and may have only months left to live. 

Others facing similar circumstances choose to live a life full of love and gratitude; they overcome their illness, or at least make peace with their illness, and enjoy every moment of life.

I was told by my gastrointestinal expert that I would have ulcerative colitis for life, and because my symptoms were so bad, I would probably need high doses of medication every single day.

As you can imagine, I was horrified! The thought of never leaving my house and being stuck to the toilet seat for the rest of my life was incredibly depressing.

The fact I had also been reading various horror stories on the ulcerative colitis forums of many sufferers complaining of being housebound for years made me feel even worse.

For a long time, I believed what the doctor told me so I remained sick and house-bound.

But then, something miraculous happened….

Deep down inside, I knew this could not really be true. I still had so much to give. What about my burning passion for music and helping others?

I remembered coming across a few stories on the forums of people who had recovered successfully from chronic illness. I wanted to know more about their story and exactly how they did it.

So I started to focus more on the positive stories of recovery, rather than the negative. Suddenly, I began receiving positive information in the form of books, people. and communities of like-minded people. This new information and these new connections gave me the strength and belief that I could get well again. My entire perceptions of and belief in my disease changed.

As I mentioned earlier, a tiny cell can die in the wrong environment. But, by the forces of nature, it always tries to seek out a community that will help it to thrive.

Quantum healing is healing the body mind from a quantum level. That means from a level which is not manifest at a sensory level. Our bodies ultimately are fields of information, intelligence and energy. Quantum healing involves a shift in the fields of energy information, so as to bring about a correction in an idea that has gone wrong. So quantum healing involves healing one mode of consciousness, mind, to bring about changes in another mode of consciousness, body.

Deepak Chopra, Quantum Healing

Remember To Smile!

When you meditate or doing any activity for that matter, don’t forget to smile. It can do wonders to your meditation experience and quality of life in general.

Smiling releases natural pain killing endorphins and serotonin, even when a smile is forced! It’s like a natural feel good antidepressant! Just by smiling, your mood is lifted. You can literally trick your body into feeling good!

It takes more effort for your body to frown than to smile. Frowning sends a signal to your mind that something is wrong and this leads to stress. Try to smile at least 1-hour a day consistently for a week and see what happens to your stress levels and mood.

Smiling reduces your blood pressure. If you have a blood pressure monitor, take a reading before and after smiling for a few minutes. Notice a difference?

Smiling makes you more attractive + successful. People are more attracted to you when you smile. It makes you appear more confident and a safe person to be around. Successful people are successful because of their ability to attract the right people. So when you are in a meeting or at work smile brightly and see what happens to your day when you do!

When I was working as a pharmacist I think I spent most of the day frowning. No wonder my staff at work were miserable! Smiling is contagious so send a big smile out next time you are in a room full of people and see what happens!

The Awakening can be defined a set of purifying, consciousness expanding, health promoting habits or rituals that are based on strong scientific principles. All these lead to becoming a more attractive, efficient, and conscious individual.


Niraj x