4: Detox
In Pranayama, this technique is called Kapalbhati. A similar technique is called Bhastrika.
What Is The Method Used For?
TOXINS: Remove stagnant gases from the digestive system.
CONGESTION: Clear nasal and sinus congestion.
ENERGY: This is an energising breathwork technique.
How to do the method:
- Do this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Sit comfortably in an upright position with your back straight.
- Inhale fully through both nostrils.
- Force the exhalation through both nostrils while at the same time pulling in your belly. Your belly will go back naturally to a normal position and by the natural force of pressure you will inhale a small amount of air again.
- Then immediately force the exhalation through both nostrils again.
- Keep repeating this continuously for around 20-30 repetitions. You can use your mala beads or fingers to count.
- You may feel heat in your body and a tingly sensation around your head. This is a sign of energy building up inside.
- Optionally, you can perform the breath hold component of Longevity at the end of the exercise, followed by Energy on the final inhalation.
The Supporting Evidence-Based Research:
- Increases vital capacity (ability to take deeper breaths) (Bal, 2010).
- Improves lung function:
Comparable to the lung function of athletes (Prakash et al., 2007).
Improves respiratory function (Kumar, 2013). - Encourages rehabilitation from coronary artery disease (Yadav et al., 2009).
- Promotes weight loss and a healthy body mass index (Kekan, 2013; Kekan & Kashalikar, 2013).
- Improves symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (Kaswala et al., 2013).
- May be an effective preventative measure to avoid diabetes (Kumar, 2012; Bhagat & Singh, 2017).
- Relieves symptoms of depression (Vedamurthachar et al., 2006).