
How Is SOMA Breath Different To Other Breathwork Modalities? Part 3 Copy

SOMA Breath

So while SOMA Breath does fit into the category of breathwork, SOMA Breath also fits into the category of Pranayama. But it still doesn’t totally fit into either category.

SOMA Breath is a complete holistic system of breathwork techniques. There is no one size fits all, and SOMA takes into account the fact that every single person is unique and may require different breathing techniques depending on their needs (especially if health related or medical).

SOMA Therapeutic Breathwork techniques are the core Pranayama techniques that have the most scientific evidence to support their function.

The SOMA Awakening is inspired by the most revered Pranayama technique called Nishessha Rechaka Kumbhaka and the ancient ritual of Soma that appears more than 50,000 times in the ancient text, the Rig Veda. The Rig Veda is the basis of modern day Hinduism and the Vedic philosophy that Yoga originates from. 

The SOMA Awakening is also inspired by the core breathwork technique of the Wim Hof Method, the work of Dr Prakash Malshe an Indian doctor based near Rishikesh – the birthplace of Yoga – who uses Pranayama and Yoga to treat his patients, and by Swami Ambikananda Saraswati of the Traditional Yoga Association in the UK who has one of the most popular Yoga schools that teaches methods based on the earliest recorded traditional Yoga practices.

SOMA Breath techniques are designed to be practiced regularly, some on a daily basis, and lead to improvements in every area of your life.

How Does SOMA Breath Work?

SOMA Breath takes the fundamental Pranayama techniques listed above, puts them in the correct combination to use for the intended therapeutic function and makes them easy and accessible to anyone who would like to benefit from them.

These breathwork exercises become your toolbox of techniques that you can use to prevent or treat a range of issues that may arise in your body.

Think of SOMA Breath as a means to activate your “Inner Pharmacy” through the power of your breath.

SOMA Therapeutic Breathwork

Turn off stress and lower heart rate and blood pressure.
Raise core body temperature, heart rate, and produce a controlled stress response to ward off illness and inflammatory diseases.
Experience the benefits of intermittent hypoxia for more stamina, better circulation, and to trigger the circulation and activation of stem cells for anti-aging, longevity, and peak performance.
Clear toxins from the gut, clear nasal and sinus congestion, and purify the bloodstream.
Drink air to purify the digestive system, suppress hunger during a fast, eliminate bad bacteria and promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut.
Balance and restore the nervous system, create harmony between the left and right hemispheres of your brain, improve heart health and HRV.

The SOMA Awakening

The Awakening is a 90-minute breathwork ceremony featuring a series of ancient breathing techniques arranged into a sequence that combines rhythmical breathing to beat-driven music and includes vocal toning/humming, breath retention, meditation, visualisation techniques, and the activation and transmutation of sexual energy.

This has the power to:

  • Awaken dormant parts of the brain.
  • Enhance creativity and problem solving.
  • Create heightened states of consciousness and inspiration.
  • Improve brain function and mind power.
  • Cleanse and purify the bloodstream and lymphatic system.
  • Stimulate self healing.
  • Reduce depression and anxiety.
  • Clear negative imprints and traumas from early life (0-7 years).
  • Reimprint your mind with more empowering beliefs and habits.
  • Set intentions and create the motivation and energy to complete important goals.
  • Self realisation: discover your true self and your deepest inner calling.

The Awakening is one of the most popular experiences the SOMA Breath offers. It literally wakes people up to their full human potential!